Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Book Listening


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I have been listening to This American Life with Ira Glass since I can remember.  Not every week, nor every year even, but sometimes several episodes together until I need a break for a while.  He is the usual narrator of or the radio program, which relates stories about American people organized by theme.  I bring this up not because I am recommending the show, but because I want to give a feel of how much time I spend in the car. 

Last month, and December too, I was listening to mystery novels on Audible or Librivox.  Librivox is especially cool because it is a huge collection of public domain texts (most of which are classics) read by volunteers.  Some readers are about as good as I must sound reading to the kids with background noise included.  Other readers are AWESOME.  I good list can be found on Forgotten Classics, a which mostly consists of even more, well read, audio books.  I have finished 15-20 books in the last 3 months.

In an earlier blog post this year, I described a day in the life of me in the car, but I am reluctant to try and add up the hours.  I will probably be forced to identify myself as sedentary and will inevitably feel the attached self loathing which I already have enough of related to "baby weight."

The thing is, I love walking around here.  Everyone does.  I have seen pedestrians every outing, every time.  I have seen as many or more cyclists.  Last snow, I saw the neighbor across mounting her bike to take off in the middle of a weekday (in the snowy driveway).  If I could spend the time walking, I would, although this probabably would also include book listening too.

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